Elementary Library Technology Integration

Monday, September 18, 2006

Workshop success!

OK, so we had a replay of the last half of our previous workshop, wherein we switched to Blogger's service (more user friendly anyway) and had the TOSAs teach the basics. It worked out SO WELL to have three people able to go around and privately help anyone with bugs or questions leaving the presenter free to actually concentrate on just the presentation and general questions.
In general, I think that everyone got it, was able to see the possibilities expanding in front of them, and was excited about it. I was excited to hear their ideas and enthusiasm for future projects with them!

Some of the advanced settings could bog us down a bit, but now that they have their blogs set up, I think it will be quite easy for them to post, and learn to collaborate in this venue. Once they see how easy it is, I think they'll be more confident about getting creative!


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